
Why Did He Leave - How to Get Him Back

To be abandoned by your loved one is among the most painful experiences in life. You’ll be feeling hurt, lonely, angry, resentful and confused. A thousand questions will swirl through your mind but in the end they will all come down to that most intractable of mysteries… why did he leave?

You probably think that unless you can get him to look you in the eye and explain, you’ll never know. But in fact the reason is easier to find than you think because it’s common to the vast majority of men who leave one relationship in search of another.

This is not just hearsay; this is the conclusion of therapists after conducting innumerable sessions with men who left their partners. The overwhelming proportion could explain it quite simply:

"Because no matter what I did, I couldn't make her happy anymore."

That probably comes as a huge surprise to you. And it’s also very sad because it means that the collapse of your relationship is the result not of infidelity, deceit or boredom but of a communication breakdown… something entirely avoidable.

But this revelation teaches you a lot about him and about men in general. Through all the ups and downs, what matters to them most is to know they do make you happy, not only for your sake but also for their own feelings of self-worth.

So, of all the things you think he wants, he’s missing the one that’s easiest for you to give. And that means it could be simpler than you think to put it right. Tell him you understand and make a promise to be more demonstrative about how he makes you feel in the future. Words, gestures, looks, body language – you can say it in so many ways. But however you choose to show it, make sure you keep doing it.

