
2009 Resolutions for the Bride-to-Be

Most of us like to make resolutions on New Year’s Day & promptly break them on January 2nd! For most our resolutions revolve around going to the gym more, cut back on the drinking & chocolates & donate more to charity. Happy New Year!

But if you’re getting married this year then your resolutions will probably have had a deeper meaning & you are probably still sticking to them. I know it is a bit late in the year now, but if you haven’t got any resolutions here are a few suggestions you may want to consider taking up:

1. I will not be a Bridezilla.

Bridezilla-ism’s can hit the best brides at the worst moments. The stress of planning a wedding is enough to drive even the most patient of us to unleashing fury at our nearest & dearest because the napkins are the wrong shade of white or you’ve broke a nail. If you find yourself on the verge of a bridezilla episode, take a deep breath, get some perspective & work around the problem.

2. I will stick to the wedding budget. Well, I’ll keep it inside the strike zone of the budget. Ok, I’ll try to maintain the same number of digits as the original budget.

Starting married seriously in debt is not a recipe for a harmonious marriage. So when you fix your wedding budget - stick to it. If you can’t afford something, find an alternative or get creative & make your own.

3. I will not sacrifice romance in favor of wedding planning.

Avoid letting the wedding planning over shadow everything & try to stay in the real world, at least once a week. Set aside some time to spend with your fiancé when you can be alone & ban all talk of weddings! Have a day out, go for a romantic dinner or simply have a day in bed! Just as long as you remember what it was that led you to get married in the first place.

4. I will remember that not everything about the wedding has to be absolutely perfect.

Nothing can be perfect. There will always be something that you think should be improved or was just ‘not quite right’. The important thing is that you are both there on the day, you both say ‘I do’ & that your guests leave the day feeling well fed, happy & talking about what a lovely time they have had.

5. I will not do all of the wedding planning.

It is impossible for one person to complete all the wedding planning by themselves. So delegate anything & everything possible to your fiancé, mother, mother-in-law & chief bridesmaid. Even if it is only booking the transport, collecting the flowers, picking up the dresses or suits & collecting the wine. It is one less thing for you to worry about. A good idea would be to write a list of his & hers task at the start of your wedding planning, then each of you you’re your responsibilities.

6. I will try to get along with my future in-laws during wedding planning.

It can be difficult. Many Mothers-in-Law will have very set ideas on how their beloved son should be married. But try to understand that a wedding is a stressful if joyous occasion for everyone concerned. Try to include her in the decision making & ask her to carry out some of the wedding planning tasks. This way she will feel important & included. And if she becomes too much to bear at times - smile, take a deep breath & try to be diplomatic.

7. I will try to take a break from wedding planning every now and then.

Ok, similar to resolution no.3. But time out on your own is equally as important. Go for a run, have a manicure or just have lunch with the girls, but make sure you banish all thoughts of the wedding during this time. It will help focus your mind, keep you relaxed & help you to return to the wedding planning with a fresh perspective.

8. I will remember to enjoy myself during this joyous time!

Yes, weddings are supposed to be fun. It may seem like it in the months leading up to the big day, but if you enjoy all that you do it will show. Never allow yourself to loose sight of what the end goal is.

