
Filling the Hole in Your Heart - Stepping Over Breakup Pain

A breakup is like a gunshot wound near the lung. It’s not enough to kill you but the pain sure feels like you should be dead. It really does feel like you have a hole in your chest when your ex breaks up with you. Often you’re going to feel depressed and that getting out of bed just isn’t worth the effort anymore. Don’t let depression win because if you do, you’ll have a hard time pulling through and winning your ex back.

The primary step to take is to sever communication and contact with your ex. Seeing each other daily is going to cause tension and possibly reopen new wounds. If you work together, without being obvious, you need to try to avoid being in the same room or close to your ex. Give him the space he needs no matter how hard it is. If you’re not with your ex all the time, you’re going to have a chance to heal yourself and become more confident as your days continue to show you that life isn’t over just because your relationship is for the time being. You might even be able to come up with a plan to get your ex back.

Staying away from your ex is also going to help you from making further mistakes that will make your ex glad he’s through with you. Even when you’re only trying to make things better by sending little frequent messages to your ex, you’re not giving him the chance to forget the breakup and the reasons for it. There are many mistakes you can make, unfortunately. Some are obvious and some are harder to pinpoint but knowing they’re there and what they are can help you in your pursuit to win back your ex.

Remembering that you have friends that care about you is important, too. These are the people that are going to support you and help rebuild you. They’re going to be there when you need a shoulder to cry on and they’re going to help you find that laugh of yours again.

