Those born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius love to get out and go. They are confident, optimistic and ready to experience new things at the drop of a hat. While these are all strong traits, the question of whether they relate well to a long term relationship is a valid one.
A Sagittarian is a person who seeks the universe and beyond through personal experience. They are intensely interested in everything and are often the life of the party. You may know next to nothing about people born under this sign, but you probably know one. They are the person that tends to be enthusiastic, but easily distracted. You know. The person who is given a task to complete in an hour and ends up taking four hours because they stop and start debating something with someone!
The average Sagittarian is a great date, particular Sagittarian men. Why? Well, they tend to abhor the boring. This means they rarely plan a boring date. There will always be at least something small and exotic about it. It might be an odd restaurant or some very unique form of entertainment. In the short run, this is all well and good. How about the long run? Well, things are a bit less focused there.
Before we continue, it is important to understand something. The zodiac sign a person is born under can provide general guidelines. It is not an absolute indication of anything. Do not give up on a relationship because someone is a Sagittarian. There are plenty of Sagittarians that are blissfully married or in long term relationships. If you are really worried, get a specific reading about the person using their date of birth and time of birth. It will be far more accurate.
So, what is the big question with Sagittarians in relation to long term relationships? The problem is frankly two-fold. A Sagittarian can become a bit annoying after awhile. An energetic person is great in short bursts, but can annoy certain people over the long run. On the flip side, the Sagittarian mate takes some upkeep. Remember, they are attracted to new experiences and boredom is their enemy. This means they will have real problems sticking with any relationship that becomes stale or routine. Simple little things like trying new restaurants or activities can arguably overcome this problem, but it is something to keep in mind for the person dating a Sagittarian.
Are Sagittarians good prospects for long term relationships? Sure, so long as you understand the parameters of their sign.