
Making it Through a Breakup Using 3 Steps or Less

Before you can repair a relationship you’re going to have to repair yourself first. A broken pot can’t hold water and a broken you can’t maintain a relationship. Doing this, however, is easier said than done. A breakup can certainly be categorized as a traumatic experience. Here are three steps you can take that will get your life back in order and will always be a benefit if you want to get your ex back.

1) Organization

This refers to your apartment and your mind. Most often because we feel so cluttered inside our places start to reflect how we feel. However, it’s reversible, too. If you’re feeling horrible perhaps you should start cleaning up. Trash on the floor and overflowing dishes will only make you feel worse. That closet you’ve been meaning to go through, go through it. You’ll actually be surprised at how good it makes you feel to organize and get rid of the trash. It’s certainly a fresh new start for your place and once you’re finished, you’ll feel accomplished and will have one less thing on your mind.

2) Socialization

Friends are very important during and after a breakup because they keep you from losing yourself to depression. The positive feelings that will come from having a social life will boost up your confidence and make you a happier person.

3) Revitalization

So you’re out with your friends and you happen to notice someone glancing at you every so often with a flirtatious smile and you’re wondering what to do. Revitalize yourself. You might not feel up to it but it would be good for you to go out on a few dates. The things that dating can do for a drained person that feels unattractive and unwanted are phenomenal. Dating doesn’t have to turn into anything serious. You’re just giving yourself a chance to heal over the negative feelings your ex left upon you when he left. This will give you the chance to fix any damage a breakup may have dealt you.

