
How Do I Make My Ex Return My Calls?

With the many blunders you’ve likely made in trying to get your ex to call you back—leaving messages, sending emails, constant texts etc—would you believe there actually is a secret answer to getting your ex’s attention again that will make him want to call you back? Fortunately it’s a simple thing that when done correctly is going to make your ex call you faster than he ever did before. He won’t be able to resist.

“Hey Bobby, it’s me, Sarah. Hey listen, I’m really glad you did for me what you did. You wouldn’t believe how much it’s helped me out. If you give me a call back, I’d like to thank you in person.”

He did something? What did he do? With this simple message, you’re triggering two points of interest that will continue to make an appearance in your ex’s mind until he can solve the puzzle and answer those very questions. Inevitably, he’s going to have to call you back.

What is it about this message that appeals to the human? These are self-interest and curiosity. Again, your ex is going to want to know what he did: curiosity. And he’s going to want to know what he, his own self, did that would deserve to be called and thanked: self-interest.

Isn’t it simple and easy? Who would have thought that appealing to these two natural aspects of a human’s mind would result in you getting the chance to talk with your ex again and perhaps gain entrance back into his life? Believe it or not this works. You’ll certainly have to try it (of course, know what you’re thanking your ex for: it does have to be real and sincere).

