
Where To Find Women

It should be obvious, but I'll state it here: Meeting single women is the single best way to improve your love life.

After all - the more women you meet, the greater your chances of finding the right one.

But in order to maximize your success, you need to go to the right places to meet girls.

If you are just focusing all your time and effort on the bar and club scene, you are truly missing out.

Bars and clubs are probably the single, hardest venue to meet girls in that I know of. Mostly because you have a lot of obstacles to contend with there...

1. They're loud. Typically, bars and clubs like to play very loud music which makes it hard to talk to people.

2. It's expensive. Typically, after paying for parking, a cover, and a few drinks, you're already $60 - $100 in the hole, and you haven't even met a girl yet!

3. Increased Competition. Every guy in a bar or club is on the prowl to hook up with a girl, and you've got to content with them.

4. Protection Mechanisms. Women hardly ever go to bars or clubs alone (and if they do, they're going to meet up with someone). This means that even if you hit it off with a girl, you usually have to content with her friends and hope they don't pull her away at the last minute!

5. They're unhealthy. Despite the fact that you usually have to stay up very late when you go to a bar or club, you also have to content with alcohol and cigarette smoke when you do. That's not to say this is terribly bad, but over time, it can start to wear on you.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should NEVER go to a bar or club to meet women.

What I AM saying is that you shouldn't limit yourself to those scenes. You are forgoing a lot of opportunity.

Here are some of my favorite ways to meet women outside of a bar or club scene:

1. Coffee Shops

Coffee Shops are amazing places to meet girls. The atmosphere is laid back and relaxed, and you'll find lots of people like to hang out in coffee shops and read, study, or do work.

Not only that, but people can be very open in these venues. This makes it much easier to strike up a conversation.

So if you like coffee, and you're looking to relax a little bit, be sure to hit up the coffee shops occasionally.

2. Book Stores

Book stores are in the same family as coffee shops (heck, nowadays, bookstores typically have coffee shops IN them!).

Lots of women go to book stores to sit around, read books, study, grab a bite to eat, unwind, and even shop for music or magazines.

Like coffee shops, the atmosphere is relaxed, and it's usually much easier to meet women in these places than it is in a bar.

There are three other places I'll get into now - after this, finding beautiful women should be easy!

3. Shopping Centers

Any place women go to shop - like malls or retail outlets - are fantastic places to meet them.

Women will walk around for HOURS looking for bargains, or the latest new fashion, or furniture, or whatever it is they may be in the market for. And the last thing they expect is for anyone to come along and try to pick them up!

This means their defenses are down, and they will be open to meeting people as they shop.

4. Grocery Stores

Hey, everyone's got to eat, right? Grocery stores can be a gold mine for meeting really fantastic, attractive women - particularly health food stores like Whole Foods Market, which actually has places where you can sit down and enjoy a meal together inside the store.

In fact, more and more grocery stores are moving to a "hang out" environment as they are starting to allow coffee shops to be built into them, in an effort to keep customers in the store longer.

You can usually find great women in grocery stores, particularly after work when many of them are picking up groceries for dinner.

5. The Internet

The last place is the internet. It's great because you don't have to go anywhere to meet them, and it requires so little effort!

Head to a dating website, make a profile, and start sending out emails to women. It's easy!

You KNOW these women are looking for people to meet, particularly for a romantic encounter. Could it be any easier? If you haven't been doing any online dating, you are depriving yourself.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself "I don't want to have to go to these places just to meet women."

Well, let me just say: YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!

I never specifically go to a grocery store thinking "I'm gonna pick up a girl." I go there to buy groceries, and if I see a girl there I want to meet, then I'll approach her.

This is key.

I make it a point that as I go about my day, I'm spotting opportunities to meet new people, because you just never know when you'll meet the right girl.

So I don't limit myself to the places I described above. No matter where I find myself, I'm looking to meet new women. But in my experience, those are the EASIEST places to do so.

Understand: In order to increase your success, you have to make sure that you're able to meet girls no matter WHERE you are.

As you are going through your daily routine, always be on the lookout for opportunities to talk to a woman you find desirable.

Don't shy away from any opportunity to strike up a conversation with anyone. You never know where it'll go!

