Let's face it - having to approach women is a real pain. In fact, it's so much of a pain, if you were to ask the average guy, they'd much rather the woman approach them if she's interested!
It'd be much easier, right? She comes up and it's all taken care of. Let her deal with the idea of rejection. Yes, that would work... in a perfect world.
The truth of the matter is, very few women want to put themselves in the position of being rejected.
That's not to say the occasional assertive woman won't come up and approach a guy. But these are few and far between. Not only that, if you're not her physical type, she won't approach you at all!
So being in the position of approaching women is actually preferable, because you get to pick the girl you want to approach!
The problem comes from the fact that most guys approach the wrong women. They are oblivious to what the woman is thinking and feeling, and whether or not she's opened to be approached at all.
This is the main cause of rejection when approaching.
So you need to start being aware of the signals women give off that let you know they're open to being approached by you. Sometimes these signals are obvious. Other times, they can be very subtle. But either way, you need to know how to spot them.
Women generally act in a far more covert way than us men. They don't come outright and say that they are interested; instead, they send out signals that let us know they are.
If you miss these signals, they'll just think you're not interested, even if you are! So spotting them is crucial.
Look for strong eye contact and smiles in your direction. These are subtle things. Look at if she's playing with her hair when she looks at you, or if she's tilting your head.
Some women will do other things to attract a man's attention that aren't as subtle. Maybe she'll wave at you? Wink at you? Raise an eyebrow? Make an excuse to walk past you or stand near you? Or she might strike up a conversation with one of your friends.
When you spot these signals, you MUST make your move and act on them. Don't wait around expecting her to initiate the contact, because she won't. She's waiting to see if you're confident enough to approach her. If not, she'll just move on to another guy.
It's not that women CAN'T initiate a meeting. If she's not interested in you romantically, she may walk right up, shake your hand, introduce herself and get down to business.
But when it comes to romance, it's a completely different issue, and here's why.
Women associate aggressive men with strong mates. That's not to say they're looking for a juiced-up freak who won't leave them alone! But they are looking for a guy with enough confidence to take the first steps.
If you don't, you'll be written off, it's as simple as that. So instead of waiting around hoping she'll make the first move, take a chance and go after her.
Try it and thank me later.