Some pick up lines are just terrible.
How many times have we heard cheesy pick up lines like:
"Nice shoes. Wanna bang?"
"Your name must be Gillet, because you're the best a man can get."
"Your daddy must have been a thief, because he stole the stars and put them in your eyes."
Using a line like these will get you nowhere with a woman fast, chances are she will not even speak to you.
Consequently, bad pick up lines get too much attention, therefore everyone thinks all pick up lines are lame.
However, this is not correct.
Using good pick up lines actually assist you in picking up a woman.
Understand: The whole point of using a pick up line is to get a conversation started.
That is all.
You can work your magic to do what you need to get a date with her, a phone number and an emotional connection, once she begins talking to you.
If you cannot begin a conversation, you can do little else.
You want something more that just talking to a woman; you want to engage her in a good conversation. Drawing her into your conversation is the only means of continuing your relationship journey.
Do you know that good pick up lines do just that?
When I first started going out to meet women, I was always at a loss of what to say to first meet a girl. I was always trying to think of something to say off the top of my head, and more often than not, I'd miss my opportunity to meet a great girl because it took me too long to think something up.
This is why you should know a couple of good working pick up lines. Situations like these may hinder you from being original and you need something to help you get the ball rolling.
Never, consider that you can slide by with a line such as:
"I know you from somewhere, don't I?"
All women know this to be a lame pick up line. You might think you're being clever when you say this, but you're not.
Also, doing things like asking for directions, telling a girl she looks like a certain celebrity, and complimenting her on a piece of clothing are BAD ways to pick a girl up.
This is because these lines do not engage the woman into a conversation with you, once she answers your question, she may not show interest in conversing with you.
Avoid pick up lines that have yes and no answers. Good pick up lines get a woman to think about her reply, while inducing an emotional reaction, which encourages her to continue talking with you.
So how do you engage a girl?
The easiest way is to ask her opinion about something. Every woman has strong opinions, and they aren't afraid to share them! (Particuarly when they come to relationships!)
Here is an example. Say to her, Can I get your opinion on something, please. Do you think it is strange for a woman to try to get pregnant at certain times so her child is born under a particular astrological sign? I would really be interested in a womans opinion of this.
Once you engage her in the conversation you may follow up with a tale of some woman who wants to be sure she and her children are astrologically compatible, to make life a bit more enjoyable as life moves along.
This leads to all kinds of different conversation topics, things like:
1. Relationships 2. Astrology 3. Marriage 4. Pregnancy 5. Children
The numerous ideas for conversations are unlimited. Here you will find a few of my favorite follow-ups.
"Do you think there's something to astrology?" (then lead into more discussion about destiny or fate.)
"What is your sign?" (No matter what she says - be sure to mention your sign is compatible with hers!)
"What do you think of children? You seem like the mothering type."
I could go on, but you should get the idea.
A good pick up line design draws a woman into an interestingly deep conversation, while allowing you the opportunity of getting to know one another better and becoming familiar with one another.
This is how you begin conversations.
At this point, it's the easiest thing in the world to get a phone number from a girl, and possibly even set up a first date.