
How To Make A Friend A Lover

Here's a situation I'm sure you've probably been in...

You meet a great girl, and you are instantly attracted to her. So you try to get to know her and start spending a lot of time with her.

You really want to become closer, but unfortunately, she says those dreaded words: "Let's just be friends."


Many a man has felt attraction toward a girl but didn't know how to proceed because it had already been established that he and she were "just friends." And as anyone who's been in that situation can tell you - when that happens, you have NO IDEA how to change it!

Most guys out there have been in a similar plight (at least I know I have!). Several years ago, however, I discovered a secret largely unknown by most men.

I realized the mistake most guys make is in thinking they have to coax a woman they are friends with into seeing them as a potential boyfriend before making a move on her.

Think of the guy, for example, who attentively watches and listens as his "gal pal" wails over her current love life, and then assures her that he'd make a better boyfriend than her current one.

Or, to take another example, think of the guy who's been friends with a woman for years and finally gets up the gall to tell her his true feelings.

Both of these are very common cases - and both of them are the WORST possible things you could do to if you actually want to get a result!

Why are both of these avenues so bad?

Because they don't meet the conditions set by the already established relationship boundaries! The ones that reflect that you are indeed "just friends".

You just can't change a girl's mind about being "just friends" through logic or melodramatic emotional confessions. It just doesn't work that way.

But here's where things take a bizarre turn for the better.

Many women have no qualms about sleeping with their guy friends. To many of these women, sleeping with a guy is less of a big deal than dating or becoming his girlfriend! (Strange, but true.)

Understand - women have needs too. Even women who explicitly tell you that they are only open to having a platonic relationship are probably more willing to go to bed with you than you think.

I should know. Most of the women I've been friends with whom explicitly stated that our relationship was strictly platonic, I ended up sleeping with.

When women tell men that they only want to be friends, most men feel a bit disappointed - and women pick up on this. And that creates a tension that ruins the friendship and puts her on guard when she's around.

When women say this to me, I always look relieved as I utter, "Thank God... I'm glad you realize that you don't have a chance with me."

Now, this is a funny way of diffusing the situation, but it's also a way of setting the proper frame that you're the one in the driver's seat.

See, the key to turning that "gal pal" into a full-blown "lady love" is to generate arousal with her, and then compel her to ACT on that arousal.

Don't in any way, shape or form try to persuade a woman you're friends with into dating you or considering you as her boyfriend. This may seem logical, but it is counter productive!

Try having as much fun around her as possible. At the same time, flirt! Make yourself attractive! It may take awhile but eventually she will be forced to see you in a different light. If you interest her enough, she'll see you the way you want her to.

If you are working with on an EMOTIONAL level, you will stand a very good chance of turning this into a relationship that you'll be satisfied with.

