
How Well Does A Pickup Line Actually Work?

Now, I'm sure you've seen plenty of movies where a guy comes up to a girl, and says some cheesy pick up line, and suddenly, the girl is so enamored with him that she is willing to hop right into bed!

Back to reality.

Is there any purpose to a pickup line? Good question, and for the most part, no, they don't.

Let's take a look at it from the reverse point of view. Say if you were a woman, and some guy came up to you said some RIDICULOUS pick up line. Something like "are your legs tired? Because you've been running around in my head all night."

Think about it. How would YOU respond to that?

Honestly, I'd be thinking "This guy is a ____." The blank can be filled in with whatever choice of word you decide. For me it would probably be idiot, but that's me.

So why say these lines if they don't work? Or do they EVER work? The answer to the second question is yes, they do work. From time to time. It's a matter of delivery and context.

I'm more inclined to make a natural approach. There is no need to gamble on her getting offended. But if you MUST use a pickup line, here's what you need to know.

Delivery is the first point, and if you are going to be delivering the line, it should sound natural and unrehearsed. And you need to be going for a specific effect, such as laughing or going for a false sense of shock. You can make her laugh while expressing interest at the same time.

If the pickup line comes across as lewd or stupid, it's mainly bad delivery. It's the most likely thing to happen IF you aren't really working with it. And it can come across as insulting, to boot.

The best thing you can do is PRACTICE with it. Make sure the timing is crisp, but as well, delivery it congruently with a high amount of energy and an overwhelmingly fun attitude. The line will have more energy this way, so even if it's corny, she might laugh like crazy, and you've scored points for that.

Spend some time in a mirror doing it, work on the timing a bit. Make it feel natural by thinking of what you are saying, instead of just a memorized script. Reflect on how she would take it, and tailor it from there.

THe next part is context. This is actually a lot simpler of a situation. Pickup lines can be HORRIBLY delivered in certain circumstances, and you might just find Ms. Right Now with one.

How does this work? In essence, you find a girl who is already attracted to you physically. Or she's very drunk and doesn't care who she ends up with.

There are more reasons, but I think you get the idea. Overall, she's made up her mind she's going to sleep with you on something you've already shown her or that she's ascertained without speaking to you. Looks, your sense of humor, possibly your reputation. Either way, all you had to do is say hello, and she's yours.

So, you actually "get lucky". Congratulations! Don't count on it happening often though.

If you can deliver that line well or if you get lucky, you can see some successes with pickup groups.

