
Get The Evidence On Your Cheating Spouse

You have an idea your spouse is cheating on you. You don't know for sure but you know something is not right. What now? There are a lot of different techniques you can use to catch a cheating spouse. What I am going to tell you about today is very simple. You don't have to spend any money on gadgets. You don't have to hire a PI. You just have to use your own snooping ability.

Thats right,you can catch your spouse cheating by using this very simple technique. You don't need any special training for this. Most of us have it anyway. Whats this simple technique you can use. Its the plain old keep your eyes and ears open. Let me explain.

You need to look for clues everywhere to catch you cheating spouse. We all all write things down and then forget where we placed them. Start checking pants pockets,shirt pockets and jacket pockets. You may be surprised at what you find. How many times do we take out clothes out of the laundry and we find old pieces of paper in our pockets. No doubt your cheating spouse had every intention of getting rid of that name and number before getting home. But we get so busy that we forget.

Where else should you look for evidence of cheating that's right under your nose. Most of us go to the gym and have a gym bag of some type. Go through it, look in every pocket. Most bags have numerous pockets that things can be hid in. How about the laptop bag. Same as the gym bag. Go through every pocket. When you find an odd number or name write it down in your journal. That you very well hidden by the way. Some place your cheating spouse will never find it.

One of the main hiding places of a spouse that is cheating is their automobile. Check it every chance you get. You may need to get creative to borrow it for a few minutes to run down to the store but the vehicle needs to be checked very often. When you get time go through every hiding place you can think of. Start with the trunk and work forward. Look under the carpet in the trunk and every hole you can find. Do it often.

The last place you need to look can be an article just by itself. That's the all mighty cell phone. Since there are numerous articles out there about checking the cell phone I am not going to go in to it. Just check it often if you can.

Your cheating spouse will slip up along the way. Just keep your eyes and ears open and it make your getting the evidence you need much easier.

