There are hardly any of us who would not like to know how the guys feel about us. The problem is that many of us rake our brains as we wonder how to unearth the truth. This is particularly disturbing in case it concerns the men we are likewise interested in.
If you do not know how to read the important signs, you may lead quite a miserable life when you assume that the guy you like does not feel the same way towards you. Yet this may be completely contrary to how he actually feels. In order for you to know the real inner feelings of a guy, you should know how to read the important signs. There are always some indicators that will betray a guy's true emotions, which will help you to make well informed decisions. We are going to look at some of the things you should watch out for in this article.
1. A guy who has interest in you will look at you, and if your eyes lock he will shift his gaze slightly.
2. Even if he does not really shower you with favors, he will show quite a marked interest in helping you out.
3. You will notice the guy searching for you even among a crowd of people. Yet once he has pinpointed you, he won't appear to notice your presence.
4. In addition to his own attempts at making you laugh, an interested guy will laugh at every small joke you crack.
5. An interested guy will tend to speak about you when he is with his acquaintances.
6. He will try to speak about the things that he knows you are interested in and make arrangements for both of you to take part in them.
7. A guy who is interested in you will try to get every opportunity to converse with you or even touch you.
8. On the other hand, such a guy will take a keen interest in what you are saying.
9. Due to his genuine concern about what you say, the guy will bring up the apparently minor issues you raised in your previous conversations. This is his way of showing you that he listens to you.
10. He will try to make fun of you in a way that does not hurt your feelings.
11. Even your own friends will notice that the guy seems to stare at you rather frequently.
12. Although you may be talking in the company of other friends of yours, the guy will just tend to give comments relating to you.
13. You will notice that the guy tries to make you stand shoulders high above the other ladies.
14. You will notice that the guy behaves relatively differently in your company, trying to be more pleasant.
15. An interested guy will hardly decline any request you make to him.
These are just a few of the things you can learn from a guy's body language to determine his interest in you. Then it will be upon you to act in a manner that favors your own interests.