
Secrets To Approaching Women

The single most important skill every man should have is knowing how to approach women, because if you don't know how to do this, you're going to be at a serious disadvantage when it comes to meeting your dream girl...

You have to know how to approach a girl in the right manner if you want to have success with your pickup. The following are some proven tips I'd recommend you do to help you be successful in meeting women!

Have you ever approached a girl with what you thought was the best pickup line ever, but she freaked out when you tapped her on the shoulder?

It wasn't anything you were about to say, or even your intentions. She might have really liked you if you approached her in a different way. But once you freak out a girl, it's not easy to turn that situation around.

The most important thing to remember when approaching women is to come off as NON-THREATENING and to not, under any circumstances, telegraph your interest in them too early.

This is about by-passing a girl's defenses and flying in "under the radar."

You have to understand that most attractive women get hit on CONSTANTLY, so they've trained themselves to simply reject guys at the first sign they're out to pick them up.

Most men don't realize how annoying it can be for women to constantly be approached by guys who run the gamut from big time loser to big time creep. Because of this, women just don't want to deal with yet "another pick-up attempt."

But despite all this, the girl WILL be receptive to you if you know how to approach her in the RIGHT WAY.

I guess the big question is - what's the right way to approach a woman?

The first secret is - DO NOT HESITATE!

If you hesitate and let the opportunity pass you by, you're never going to experience success. Giving yourself time to talk yourself out of approaching a girl will never get you anywhere, so it's important you act quickly and JUST DO IT.

Next, know before-hand what you're going to say. This makes the act of approaching women so much easier, because you don't have to waste time thinking of something to talk about before you approach.

So having a good pick-up line in your hip pocket to use in these situations is probably a good idea.

But don't confuse the term "pick up line" with sleazy saying like "Nice shoes, let's have sex!" The goal here is to be NON-THREATENING, remember?

The best lines usually engage the girl in an innocent conversation. You can do so by asking her opinion on something and then following that up with more questions.

An important tip you should be aware of is to always approach a woman at an angle instead of charging towards her like you're going to war! When you approach at an angle, it's much less confrontational and you're going to subconsciously put the woman more at ease than if you approached her head-on.

Remember: great pick ups can only happen when the girl is comfortable with you. That's why it's so important for YOU to feel comfortable when you're talking to girls!

It's natural to feel uncomfortable meeting attractive women, but remember - practice makes perfect! If you take the time to go out and practice meeting women, over time it will become easier and you'll be more comfortable with doing it.

Simply reading about meeting women or studying techniques is not going to help you get good at approaching women. If you want real success, you actually have to go out in the real world and meet lots of women so you can build your experience level. And the cool thing is - the more you do it, the easier it gets!

If you're afraid of rejection, adjust your goals so that it's hard to get rejected. Too many guys try and get the phone number, the date, or the quick romp in the sack. Instead, take baby steps and set your goal as just talking to the girl and carrying on a conversation. Use that as your measure of success. Remember, you're just learning the right way of doing things.

That's all!

Make it a game by seeing how many girls you can talk to in one day, and then try and beat your score.

One last note - try and use a "time constraint" whenever you approach a woman. This is as easy as saying you can only talk for a minute before you have to run.

Effective use of time constraints will better engage the woman you're talking to, because she won't feel that she's committing to a time-consuming endeavor. Instead, you're only a momentary "distraction." This helps eliminate any reason to reject you right off the bat.

Don't worry about putting a time limit on yourself. Once the conversation picks up, the girl will forget about your time constraint and you can talk to her as long as you want. Remember, the goal here is just to get the conversation started, and a good time constraint will help you do that!

Be aware that the dating game is actually a numbers game. You need to meet as many women as possible to find that one special girl who will change your life.

