Husband spends most of his time working and goes home just to eat and sleep. Wife feels that husband is taking her for granted. Wife spends her time tending to their children's need and husband feels that wife doesn't have time for his needs. It sounds like this relationship is going down the hill, right? So, here are some ways to save your crumbling relationship.
First and foremost think about the situation. If you feel that your relationship is still worth the shot because you are and will always be in love with your better half, then proceed. A relationship should not be for reasons such as convenience or staying together for the kids. Couples must stay in a relationship because they love each other. To save a relationship is like a dance where both partners have to do the work.
After realizing that your relationship needs saving, you must identify the problem in your relationship. Spend a significant amount of time as to why the problem occurred. The problem with most people is that they tend to de-value identifying and fixing the problem to be able to move on.
A spouse that is having an affair, for instance, is not committing the sin just because that person wants to. An affair can be caused by lack of intimacy or lack of communication between you and your partner. There are underlying reasons why a partner commits these marital sins. Identify the core issue and then you can save your relationship.
Once you have identified the core problem then this is the best time to sit down with your partner and talk about it. Let it all out; verbalize your feelings and listen to what your partner has to say. Touching, such as holding your partner's hand while talking or looking straight to his or hers eyes is giving him or her the feel that you would like to reconnect even though your emotions are sinking. Keep in mind that both of you are letting it all out to save what's left on your relationship and he and she is not doing it to hurt you.
Once all problems and issues have been laid out, create a plan to make your relationship work again. Stay firm on doing these steps and make sure that both of you are doing these steps. For instance, if intimacy is your problem then see to it that you can share your intimacy once a week. Try to talk to him or her about what your partner's day before going to bed when communication has become your problem.
Lastly, you two should realize that having a relationship is a non-stop process. It must be nurtured and taken care of. It will make you smile and cry at the same time. Always understand each other and talk about things that hurt you and always listen to your partner. Never end the day without discussing the problem that occur is your relationship
Now that the ways to save your relationship is there, are you up to it?