The end of your relationship can be so devastating. You feel that the tears and heartache will never stop and the world can seem like a sad, lonely old place.
Here are five tips, which include some practical exercises to help you cope with a relationship break-up. These ways will allow you to come out the other side, not just feeling stronger and more able to cope but looking forward to mapping yourself out a bright and happy future!
Don't stay trapped - you can choose to take the path to a new, brighter and better life today!
Before we start there are no "rules" for how much time it takes to get over a relationship but if it feels to you like prolonged period of time, or if there seems to be no progress in the healing it's a good idea to seek help from a therapist.
Tip ONE - Start to adjust from being in a relationship to being on your own
Allow yourself to feel sad about your break-up. This means letting the tears flow, acknowledging the feelings of loss and spending some time alone. If you don't listen to your feelings and go with them or if distract yourself, the feelings remain there for so much longer. The best thing to do is cry about it, write about it or talk about it with a close friend who will listen.
After giving yourself a period of time to go through these feelings, make a commitment to yourself to start re-building your life. If you feel like you have lost your friends along with the breakup, make an effort to meet some new people. Join a networking group, take a class, get involved in community activities or volunteering.
Tip TWO - Learn from your experience
Even in the midst of all the tears, sadness and stress of a breakup, you have an opportunity to learn from the experience and grow into a stronger, wiser person.
Ask yourself this question "What you have learned from your past relationship? " Really stop and think about this for as long as you like. This is such an important phase as the answers you come up with can begin to make you feel better about your situation and yourself. The answers can also help you with creating a list of what you want for your future. This helps move your mind from the past to the present and the future. The only part of your life you control is what you think and do in the present, and what decisions you make for your future.
Tip THREE - Exercise healthy avoidance.
At all costs avoid seeing or communicating with your former partner in anyway! Avoid overindulgence in the use of alcohol, food, and medications. It might feel like you are lessening the emotional pain, but really you are setting yourself up to allow your sadness to continue for a longer time. Communicating to him or her to ease the pain is only leaving you to start over and over again.
Don't avoid any feelings you have. Keep a diary - it helps to write down your feelings. If this isnt your thing talk to a trusted friend. Don't avoid what can really help, such as exercise, talking to your friends and reading.
Tip FOUR - Feel good... Start Smiling!
Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug. Next time you are feeling down, put on a huge big cheesy smile onto your face.
Another feel good exercise is to take time out to brainstorm a list of all the things that make you happy. Start today and build this to a list of 100 things. List events, things, people, experiences that make you feel happy - the big things like holidays to the small every day things that we sometimes take for granted. This exercise can be the groundwork for a happier future.
You were happy before, you are getting there again!
Tip FIVE: Get back to being YOU
When life starts returning to normal you'll discover that you can begin to focus again and get excited about your future. You are now in a place where you have your individuality back, and you will be ready to start dating and get involved in a brand new relationship or you may have another direction, for example working on your vocation. When you get to this point, you're well on your way in your development of complete healing.
Lastly, remind yourself that you survived before and you can do it whenever it is needed in the future!
Life Coaching helps further your personal development and provides you with the tools and exercises that you can use to improve your life.