For some people it isn't even a question. No matter the reason they're relationship ended getting back into the dating game is not an issue. For others? Not so much.
It can be like learning how to ride a bike all over again when it comes to returning to the dating scene. A number of people don't bother to try.
To each their own. But if you are thinking about getting back into the dating game then you may want to keep a few things in mind.
1. Out with the Old
There are going to be emotions and thoughts there from your previous relationship; good and bad. Accept it try to learn from what happened and then move on. Don't get caught up in overanalyzing. No one is perfect and if you dwell on everything you did wrong or everything you should have done than not only is it a waste of time but you could be setting yourself up for failure if you decide to date now or in the future.
You may also want to think about some house cleaning. If you feel strongly about certain mementos then keep them. But try to stay away from having them in places that keep reminding you daily of that relationship. Stay focused on the fact that you are trying to meet someone new.
This is also a good time to see if there are certain habits that were familiar to your previous relationship can be altered or purged all together. You can always hold off on certain areas if the attachment is too strong but it is in your best interest to at least start the process.
2. Self Worth
There is only one you. You have gifts and talents to offer that no other person has. That basic truth sometimes gets overshadowed in relationships; particularly one of any duration or when one personality is the more dominant of the two.
If you have to look in the mirror and tell yourself that everyday so be it. The dating scene can seem intimidating when you are already involved in it. After being on the sidelines for awhile intimidation can easily turn into fear.
That is why reaffirming your worth is a vital part of getting back in the game. It shows you have confidence and believe that what you bring to the table is just as good as anyone else. It can also prevent you from believing that the success of the dating relationship falls squarely on your shoulders.
3. Online Dating
There has never been anything like it. You may have seen it featured on one of the cable shows or come across one of the many sites in your internet travels.
In 2008 online dating generated nine hundred and fifty seven million dollars in revenue. Places like, and Yahoo Personals are doing record business while changing the dating landscape like nothing before.
So if you are apprehensive about going to the local watering hole (or finding a new one), blind dates and the thought of being fixed up with someone by your friends and relatives than online dating may be the place to start.
>From the privacy of your computer you can meet an almost unlimited pool of potential dating partners targeted to your interest and taste. You can also build friendships or make business connections while becoming a member of an online community.
If you have been out of the game for a while then you are just in time. Since relationships are an ongoing education, you may have also gotten a little wiser. Thats one of the reasons why this is an exciting time to be back in the dating scene. The opportunities to meet someone special have grown by leaps and bounds and there's no reason you cannot take full advantage of it.