
A Man's Guide To Preparation, Goals, And Pick Ups

If it's your desire to become a pickup artist, then you should probably ignore the archetype propagated by the entertainment industry. You don't have to be a sleaze or a clown to attract a pretty girl.

The truth is that attracting women can be fun and rather simple. You just need to be prepared for the encounters to be successful.

You can never really know when a pickup is going to go well, but there are ways you can prepare. So here are some steps for success BEFORE you go out picking up women!

When you go to a place where you know there will be attractive women, make the decision that you're actually going to pick them up!

Too often, guys will go out with no real goal in mind. And guess what? When you have no outcome in mind - you'll usually end up with NOTHING.

But if you go out with a specific goal, your chances of achieving that goal go up DRAMATICALLY.

It doesn't matter if it's as simple as "Talk To One Woman Tonight," or as ambitious as "Find The Woman Of Your Dreams."

As long as you have a goal, your chances of picking up a girl will increase substantially.

You don't even have to be GOING OUT to pick up women. Maybe you're visiting a food court in mid-afternoon because you're feeling hungry, and you know you'll spot at least one attractive woman there who you could see later.

You may or may not succeed in your quest, but you're much more likely to have a positive outcome if you go with the mindset that you can pull off a successful pickup.

Always take a pen and paper, or at least your cell phone, wherever you go. You'll need it for when you exchange numbers with women. Be sure to keep a condom with you, too, just in case! Knowing that you have protection on hand is just one more thing that will keep you from chickening out.

Remember: Do Not Give Yourself An Excuse NOT To Pick Up Women!

By giving yourself more reasons to NOT do something, you will effectively make doing that particular thing more difficult.

Odds are, you spend a good portion of time making excuses to not go out and pick up girls. How has that worked so far?

Not good, I bet.

Listen: Picking up women successfully is about being mentally prepared to engage someone socially.

If you are thinking about all the things that CAN go wrong, if you're obsessing over everything about yourself that ISN'T attractive, if you're looking for excuses NOT to try and pick up the girl...

Guess what?


That is why you simply need to mentally prepare yourself for the pickup. NO EXCUSES!

Visualize a positive outcome. Focus on all you have to offer a girl. Be fun, friendly, and open. But most importantly - TALK TO HER!

Don't let the opportunity pass you by. Even if you have a "bad feeling" or are nervous, just think of it as a "practice run" to help get you warmed up.

Know your environment. When you meet a girl you like, you'll want to get together with her soon - preferably the same day, while her attraction for you is still high. Be aware of good places nearby where you can "bounce" to, like bars, coffee houses, lounges, art galleries, or other fun place where you and your "target" can have a change of scenery.

You'll want to go to a place that's low-key enough so you can get to know each other better. When you bounce from one location to another, it's like you're going on another date. Why wait for another week to pass by to take her on another date so you can build comfort with her, when you know you can do it on the same day?

Have a place in mind where you can become intimate with her. If you live nearby and you can bring her home, so much the better.

Have an excuse to take her home that has nothing to do with lovemaking. You can have a DVD that she's never seen but has to see, or an exotic drink she's never tried, or some photos you've taken of a place where you've been that she's never seen.

Use your imagination - if you can write a song, try that, or if you are a good poet, that works too. It doesn't matter really, just so long as you can get her comfortable enough to come over.

The whole idea you need to keep in mind is to TAKE ACTION. Like the old boy scout motto - always be prepared. In this case, its "always be prepared for success." Stop making excuses, and pick that woman up!

