It's hard to be the one who has to end the relationship. What's harder is trying to get back with your ex after. There are two reasons why this can be extremely difficult for you: one, your ex may be too hurt by what you did so they'll hate you for the rest of their lives; and two, you may feel to proud to beg him or her back.
But what if you really feel that you made a mistake and want to get back with your ex? This can be very tough because you would have to take a lot of steps backward. It's hard enough to accept the fact that you have made a stupid mistake by letting your ex go, it'd be harder to convince them to take you back.
However, there is always a second chance. You may not be sure if your ex is willing to give you that, but you can at least try, right?
If you want to get back with your ex, here are some of the things you can do to make your pursuit fruitful:
1. Ask for forgiveness.
You have made a mistake so you need to apologize for it. Be sincere in saying sorry because you have hurt your ex deeply, and they need to see sincerity from you. If not, then you could kiss any chances of getting back with them goodbye.
2. Work on getting his/her trust back.
Yes, you have wronged them terribly by breaking up with them so you need to ensure that they can trust you again. Do everything you need to regain their trust. You can do this by being their friend.
3. Send them things occasionally.
If your ex is still not ready to take you back, you can become a secret admirer in a way. You can send your ex simple and cute gifts. Nothing fancy. Just plain things that can light up their mood. It can be something to eat, a small note, or a mug. Try not to send them something that's give by someone who's out to court somebody. This may make your ex feel uncomfortable. The logic behind this is to lighten up their spirits. When they think of you, they will think about how good you made them feel with your gifts, not with the break up.
4. Share their good and bad times.
You have worked on becoming their friend already so now you will be able to share their experiences. If they feel good about something they have done, complement them. If they are in a bad situation, make them feel better. This should endear you to them.
Getting back with your ex after breaking up with them is a very hard thing to do. It takes a lot for a person to accept their fault and ask for an apology. But if you really want to get your ex back, then nothing should be keeping you from admitting your fault.