
3 Guidelines to Help You Win Your Ex Back

As hard as it is to get back outside and in the game of dating after a breakup, it can be even harder when your goal is to win your ex back. Putting yourself back in front of your ex is like getting behind the wheel of a car after a bad accident: difficult but worth it. Of course there are some rules or guidelines you should follow when attempting to get your ex back. Basically there are dos and don’ts that will be the determining factor on if you get your ex back and how easy it is. (Though keep in mind many situations are different, it’s just easier than it would be if you do things right after a breakup.)

First: Communication or contact. Too much of a good thing can be bad, right? I’m sure you’ve heard that somewhere. Communication is good but if your ex has asked for some space, you better give him/her space. Continuously contacting your ex after a breakup makes you appear clingy and desperate. Constant contact with your ex will make tensions between you two high and will likely ruin any chances of working out differences and getting back together.

Second: Date. Honestly it’s okay to go out on a few dates after a breakup. One, it shows you’re ready to be with people again and two, it will give you the confidence you once had before. Just because you start dating some other people doesn’t mean you’re giving up all hope on getting back with your ex. It will actually show you have a bit of independence that your ex just might like.

Third: Expecting too much. Your ex has obviously figured that the only way to solve whatever problem existed between the two of you was to cut off said relationship. If you don’t like this, you have to provide another solution. Yes, the load is on your shoulders but remember you want to get back your ex.

