
Overcoming Phone-Call Anxiety

You know, one of the things I absolutely hate to do is talk to women on the phone.

And a lot of guys do. I know many other men who are frightened calling that number they got at the club the other night.

And it's not because we don't want to talk to the girl or get to know her. It's because calling a girl on the phone is IMPORTANT.

It can seriously make or break you. A good call will guarantee a date. A bad will will ensure she never returns your messages again.

One of the biggest questions I get from guys is "What do I say when I'm talking to her on the phone?" Seriously, it's as though their minds go blank and they can barely squeeze out the boring, awkward questions most guys fall back on when they're at a loss for something to talk about.

The reason this happens is because so many guys just have little to no experience when talking to a girl. Because of this, they just are not confident about what to say.

I know this lack of confidence used to plague me when I got on the phone. I'd just sit there quietly listening to the girl talk! But these one-sided conversations do little for establishing the emotional connection necessary to secure a date.

So I thought of a little trick to make me feel comfortable talking to a girl on the phone. My advise to build confidence is to get a company -- a female friend who loves to talk!

(And let's face it - most women are happy to talk your ear off when given the chance!)

What you do is call this friend before you call the other girl that you're interested in. Talking to her will help you get in a "social mood" that will give you the edge you need.

This way, you can build your confidence on someone who doesn't mean anything at all for the one that does.

If you don't have a good female friend, you can try "warming up" by calling a male friend instead.

The important thing here is that you GET TALKING. The more you talk, the easier it'll be to start chatting with new people.

And when it comes to making a first impression, that can make all the difference.

