
Dealing With A Break Up - How To Cope And Move On

You’ve just been dumped by a boyfriend or girlfriend that you thought or knew you were in love with. Has your heart been broken? Not sure you can move on? Here’s how you can cope with a bad breakup.

First thing is, do you know that the relationship is truly over? A lot of times people will break up in the heat of the moment and have regrets almost immediately. Then there are times when couples just need a “breather” to gain perspective of whether to move on or stay in the relationship.

So, don’t follow the rest of the advice contained in this article unless you feel sure that it is really over.

When you know you are ready to move on, there are some things you can do to speed up the healing process.

At the top of the list is to get rid of all of your ex’s things. If need be, get together long enough to do a “swap” of their stuff for yours. If you have items that are of little value, like a toothbrush, just throw it away.

If your ex has given you things of value in the way of gifts, you may not want to get rid of those things, but you also don’t need them lying around to be a constant reminder of the break up. The best thing to do is to box them up and put them in storage. The idea is get them out of view and not see those things everyday.

Your next step in dealing with a break up is to stop communication with your ex. Maybe someday in the “future” you can be friends but not for the time being. Healing cannot start until you have him or her out of your life. Talking or seeing each other will impede this process greatly. So, stop seeing, emailing, texting, hanging out or any other way that keeps you tied to each other. If you are in the same school or workplace, keep your distance but in a polite way.

Right after a break up, you’re likely hurting and don’t feel like going out into social situations right away. But do it anyway! Staying home eating cartons of Cookie Dough ice cream is not how to deal with a break up! Instead, make it a point to get out there and spend time with friends and family. Schedule a girl’s and guy’s night out with friends and co-workers or fellow students.

Also, use this time in your life to discover new interests. It would be a great distraction to take up scuba diving or knitting. Take a gourmet cooking class or join a book club. Get back into a regular exercise routine at the gym or sign up for a beginning yoga class. Your ability to handle the breakup with your ex will, largely, be a reflection of how soon you can get back out into the real world without him or her.

At some point, you will find yourself attracted to another person. Make some effort even if you don’t necessarily think it will turn out to be the real love of your life. A relationship on the rebound can help you get over an ex girlfriend or boyfriend. This is the way to best deal with a breakup.

Think you might still be interested in a “make up” in the future? Watch this video at http://www.MakingUp.us for more information.

