
15 Tricks To Be More Attractive Instantly

When it comes to dating, it can be easy to give into bad emotions when faced with so much rejection and insecurity.

We can feel like we're not good enough - too old, ugly, bald, short, fat, or whatever. And because of that, we think we'll be doomed to being single for the rest of our lives.

However, the real issue isn't that we feel unattractive. It's that we're punishing ourselves over our own insecurities! If we give way to these negative thoughts and emotions, its going to be extremely difficult to find someone to date, because no woman wants to be with a man who doesn't like himself.

This is why we need to try and introduce positivity into our daily lives as much as humanly possible.

In order to do this, you need to learn how to replace your bad thoughts, with good ones. If you begin to repeat these good thoughts, eventually you'll train yourself to focus on the positive, rather than the negative.

Every morning after you wake up, and every evening before you go to bed, try and rehearse these positive thoughts in your mind, or out loud...

1. The more I like myself, the more others will like me.

2. I am fully competent and capable in everything that I decide to do.

3. I am highly creative, intelligent, attractive, energetic, witty, smart, healthy, wealthy and wise.

4. I love myself unconditionally just as I am - despite any flaws I may have.

5. I am self-sufficient, and do not rely on the approval of others to feel good about myself.

6. I feel comfortable around other people.

7. Other people like me and enjoy my presence.

8. I am fun and exciting to be with because I always have a good time.

9. I am comfortable talking to women.

10. I am comfortable interacting with women.

11. Women to whom I pay attention are extremely lucky - I am what women want.

12. I do not feel guilty about my desires.

13. I have to look my best all the time.

14. Women must prove themselves worthy of my time and attention in order to receive it. I am the prize.

15. Any woman would be lucky to have a great guy like me in their life.

Some guys might not feel authentic when reciting these positive thoughts. Sometimes, we become so used to negative emotions, they feel more comfortable than the positive ones!

Be aware that this isn't about trying to fool yourself into feeling good. This is about conditioning yourself to think in a way that gives you confidence and strength, rather than tearing apart your self-esteem.

If you don't feel comfortable with any of the above thoughts, then change them so that you do feel comfortable with them. As long as the change re-enforces a positive thought and emotion, it's acceptable.

Understand that people are attracted to positivity. You can't attract women if you don't like yourself, because if you don't think you're someone who deserves happiness, who else will?

